Can't Play Counter Strike

i have cpu can't play counter strike( open gl).
i don't know what wrong in my computer.

Motherboard Msi KT4v (MS - 6712) vers 10a Chipset VIA
Agp 8x
Memory 2x128 DDR
VGA Ge Force 4 MX 440
HD Excel Strom 40 GB

any1 can help me? pls
is this the Steam version 1.6 ?
or the Product version you bought updated to v1.5 ?

if you're not sure then do want Bones said and update your nVidia Drivers...

but if that fails try uninstalling it, then re-install it & update it with all patches... rare cases of corrupt installation may have occured... :D
if your using windows xp standrad nvidia driver it wont let you play in open gl use drivers that came with card or newest version