Canadian levy : (

Doesnt suprise me, over here in the UK there has been a small levy on all tapes & cd blank media, has been for years, been that way since the record co's said Awww now tape is here, we shall be left destitute cuase EVERYONE will copy our albums, unless we can get a small charge introduced so we claw back even more money from the unsuspecting punters :(

BaNzI :D

PS whatever happened too Innocent until proven guilty lol :p
wow your late man :)

Its like this since tapes...

it is now like this for mp3 players (ones with HD in it, its like 2 CND for each Gig... so a 300 player will be 320... not a big deal)
Same in the Netherlands and the record companies keep complaining how much money they loose while I pay money to THEM when making a datadisk with pictures :rolleyes: