Can you Strip out the wrong files?


New member
Its it possible to take out certain "special files" with DVDStripper, then you burn it but your player won't play the disc?

Two movies I cut out the previews and the discs won't play in my home player or my computer DVD-ROM. But one of the movies will play on my HD, the other won't.

I have a NEC 1100 with 4X Memorex media.

I have already burned 20 movies with this media and no problems.

Any ideas guys?
Zoso124 said:
Its it possible to take out certain "special files" with DVDStripper, then you burn it but your player won't play the disc?

Two movies I cut out the previews and the discs won't play in my home player or my computer DVD-ROM. But one of the movies will play on my HD, the other won't.

I have a NEC 1100 with 4X Memorex media.

I have already burned 20 movies with this media and no problems.

Any ideas guys?
Yes, especially files from the menu. I've done the same thing myself, as I'm sure many have. However, if they will play from my hard drive usually I can get them to play on my DVD ROM and my stand alones by pressing the menu or chapter ahead on the remote/control pad.

Doesn't sound like a media nor a burner problem.



New member
Did you delete any blank or what appeared to be empty cells? If so that could be the problem. When stripping or replacing with DVDStripper or Menu edit you should leave anything you aren't sure of. I have also found removing those mysterious cells causes problems. They are probably just placeholders for some linking in the menus
audi2honda said:
Did you delete any blank or what appeared to be empty cells? If so that could be the problem. When stripping or replacing with DVDStripper or Menu edit you should leave anything you aren't sure of. I have also found removing those mysterious cells causes problems. They are probably just placeholders for some linking in the menus

Yes I did. I no longer remove the smaller 'blank' cells unless I feel I have time to reprocess a few more times. They really don't save much space anyway.
