Can Somebody STOP Him (RASTABT) ???

EHEY, Mods & Admins, can you stop that silly RastaMan :D:D:D

With one post per minute, he's gonna reach a number 5000 this night:D:D:D

Stop him, please:D:D:D

Don't be angree Cap1, I like you:D


Oops, it's my post no500, I should post something better then this! :(
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STOP HIM, when he finish posting freeware & shareware, he'll begin posting WAREZ & CRACKS; so

S T O P__H I M,__P L E A S E ! ! !
he's got a long way to go yet ;)

from elsewhere.....



Posts: 5827
even at 5000 hes just getting warmed up (and at least he's made 5000 USEFULL posts, unlike mine)
Sat What!!!!!!

To my brother jasmin your lucky I got cramp in my hand?
Got it from typing :D so I'm on a break :(