Can not copy local cd game


New member
Please help me how to copy a cd which seems to be protected with dummy audio files and bad sectors.

I attached the analysis result using CD-DVD Diagnostic, the closest result I could have was using clonecd but everytime the game was running it was asking for original cd to be inserted.
I've tried several cd copy program but always fail:
- Blindwrite 5.50: can't read further than 75%.
- Nero 6.3: only dummy audio files were recorded.
- Alcohol 120%: only dummy audio files were recorded

I also tried to make cd image using virtual drive software, but when creating image at 75% the reading proses was become very very slow and it could take days or weeks to accomplish.

Please give suggestion.

thanks in advance


Sounds like some c**ppy home-made protection and it shouldn't be too hard to copy.

Try copying it with nero as a mixed mode cd with Ignore read errors for both data and audio tracks, write defect sectors and read sectors in raw mode options all checked.

Let us know how it goes. If it doesn't work, I'll suggest something else.


New member
Cactus Data Shield 100

Please help me how to copy a CD which is protected by Cactus Data Shield 100, I've followed the setting generated by clonyxxl but still doesn't work. The game can be copied and installed but whenever it runs it still required the original cd.

My Burner: Teac CD-W548E

I've tried to read the original cd by both devices but the result is the same.



New member
stone_burner said:
Sounds like some c**ppy home-made protection and it shouldn't be too hard to copy.

Try copying it with nero as a mixed mode cd with Ignore read errors for both data and audio tracks, write defect sectors and read sectors in raw mode options all checked.

Let us know how it goes. If it doesn't work, I'll suggest something else.
Thanks for your suggestion but it still doesn't work, Nero with those setting only read the audio track and not the data track.
I used clonyxxl and ASPI 4.60 and the result is cactus data shield 100.

looking forward for your further suggestion.



New member
It is an Edu Games (local made). I followed the setting instruction from clonyxxl precisely (please see my first picture attachment).
I also tried Scout Easy V2.0 but the result is different from clonyxxl, scout didn't detect it as cactus ds 100. Scout Easy did't give any setting instruction or may be I don't know how to use it since it is in german language.


ClonyXXl and Scout are both outdated because forcing the new german copyright laws;

if nobody knows the used protection scheme, then your only way is the "Try and Error" method;
personally i would try my luck by using the SafeDisc and Securom tutorials:

btw: did merge your threads because the reason for both seems the same occasion; ;)
Also try alcohol with the General Protected CD datatype settings. It certainly won't be Cactus Data Shield 100 since that's an audio protection and it probably isn't VOB ProtectCD either.


New member
I found this CD protection is quite confusing, when I scanned the CD directly using clonyxxl v2.0.1.5 it detected cactus ds 100, but when I chose the option to scan the software installation folder it found PROTECTCD-VOB.
I run alcoholer 4.1 to find the setting for VOB but the result it still the same: managed to copy and install but when run still required for original cd.

I've tried all predefined copy protection setting in alcohol 120% but all only manage to copy the false audio track not the data track.

Any idea what the most accurate copy protecton detection software is?
kingxton said:
I've tried all predefined copy protection setting in alcohol 120% but all only manage to copy the false audio track not the data track.
so i think it's a hardware problem; your reading device does not seems to be able to detect the real CD structure/TOC;
try to read in with your other drive and do not insert the game CD before Alcohol prompt you to do this;