Can I update to XP on my system?


New member
I have a Dell dimension XPST600R (about six yrs old)
Its got pentium 3 and i think 128Mb RAM
I have about 7g free space and would like to add a second 120G
I'm concerned that overwriting my win98SE with XP would slow my particular machine down and XP would not function very well.
My main reason for wanting XP is the NTFS file system,but can I convert my existing drive and any new one I add from FAT32?
P.S My motivation is DVD burning.
Maybe I'm dreaming??


First id like to say dont even bother upgrading from WIN 98 SE to XP you will get massive problems..

Try backing up what you wnat and install a clean XP

And make sure your not converting FAT32 TO NTFS again conflicts and most of all half of your programs may not respond.. the way you want it....
A clean XP installation is surely way preferrable to an upgrade of an 9X system. Plus than converting into XP your filesystem from FAT32 to ntfs amounts to 512 bytes clustersize, which is highly problematic.
After recently doing just this 98se to XP PRO ... i would highly advise against the upgrade and go straight for the clean install.

I would seriously recommend that you backup anything important and wipe your drives before you start and AVOID the FAT32 to NTFS conversion with data on the drives/partitions as i found out the hard way i ended up with locked RAW drives that i had to recover later :(

You could OPT for the DUAL boot approach and have best of both worlds, you would at least be able to access the FAT32 drive with NTFS WINDOWS XP system but you would no doubt not be able to access the NTFS within FAT32 98 system :(

I had a fair few probs with XP PRO but then again i had probs with 98se and it took me months to iron those out :)

After being on XP for about a month now and finally figuring out the problems i had with it and applying the relevant patches i am quite comfortable with XP now as i was with 98 :)

I would advise at least getting some more memory as thats always a good idea :)

I was very DUBIOUS about switching over to XP after running a pretty solid 98se system for over 2 years or more .......

but i can honestly say XP i pretty reliable when you get round it and make sure you get the correct drivers for your hardware etc :)
@onlinejames im networked XP PRO NTFS to win 98se here and BOTH puters see each other just fine so i dont think cluster type would make an issue here !? :confused: setting it up was a breeze using the XP wizard :)

5 mins on XP it took me months to figure the darn thing out 98se to 98 se i could get the net to share but not see each other :(

saying that tho i had never previously networked to puters using NIC cards before and i was working from trial and error :)
As I understand it, A Win98 PC should be able to see shared services on a WinXP, even if they are on NTFS drives - as it's not actually remote-mounting the drive, but is accessing a file service.

If you ran a Win-NT file server for Win9x systems, you'd run the file server in NTFS


byngo said:
Its got pentium 3 and i think 128Mb RAM

You need more RAM. 384-512mb of RAM is the sweet spot for WinXP. 128mb is going to hurt... too much disc caching.

How fast is that P3? If it's slower that a 850mhz you will want to turn off a few things to help speed your system up.