can any body recommend a good dvd rip and conversion program?

I keep trying to rip dvd's to mpeg1 formatusing dvd-decrypter and backup-dvd, but they keep saving to my hdd as *.vob, not as *mpg or *.avi as i would like.

please help.:(
ok, you are obviously new here so will just direct you to the right place (right section, but tuts is here):

They will explain everything you need for the best quality.
Some things to note:
You must first rip your DVDs to your HDD as the vob files. Then you must use another program to convert them into mpeg or avi/divx files.
Again, depending on what you want to do, you will have to follow the tutorials.
Good luck & have fun. If any problems, post again & we (myself & other here at the forum) will gladly try to help/point you in the right direction.

also before posting a question or some news/info, use our search button to see if you topic has been covered before.
I just tried converting a dvd to mpeg format after ripping the *.vob's to my hard drive. Using Vidomi to convert to *.avi but sound is garbled, but the picture is beautiful.

What am I doing wrong?

And yes, I am a newbie.
ya sometimes vidomi can garble the sound. All depends on settings & if your HDD hasn't been defragged lately & sometimes just bad sound conversion. A good solution I found for you is this:
Go ahead & convert the vob to divx avi with vidomi, but with no sound.
Then use dvd2avi (follow steps for it in tutorials section) to get the sound file (wave or whatever). Then use headac3he-0.23a (you can get it from doom9 website) to convert it to mp3.
Now load the divx file in nandub & select direct stream copy for video, then under audio select mp3 & select the new mp3 file you made (direct stream copy also) & then just save it as an avi file.
It will mux the sound together & you should have a perfectly working divx movie now.
*Please note though, do not cut out any parts of the movie when you encode it with vidomi (like anything from beginning or end) otherwise the sound might not sync in properly)

Hope that helps.