Burning The Sims Hot Date Expansion Pack

For just about any game copying , use clone cd 4 or higher , and get hold of any lite-on cd burner .

Thats what I use , and when you do copy games , make sure the tray icon is GOLD , and sellect the default GAME option , and let it go , and it is best too set in options too burn no faster than 4 if there are audio tracks , faster can muck em up .

Ps : I have tried burning at different speeds , and here is what I found .

1 : burn at 4 speed , I dont get asked for serial

This is true , dont ask me why this happens .

2 : burn faster than 4 speed , the game ask's for serial and audio tracks go south in quality .

So , if you have a lite-on burner and clone cd 4 or higher , just go with default settings for game copying , and before burning , make sure the tray icon is gold before burning , and thats that .

I have yet too come across any game I cannot make a 1:1 copy .

All my backups think they are the real deal in the cdrom .


I used Alcohol 120% with the "Safedisc 2" setting and a LiteOn 40125S and it will play in any CDRom (or CDRW with a hide media function..... ie, Alcohol, CloneCD).