Burning problem

Hi all.

I´m having a big problem with my oooold burner.
Every time I try to burn a file bigger than 680 megs, It wont close the disc.

It does say, that the burn was succesfull, but when I´m putting it in the cd-drive, it just spits it out again.

I´m using Nero 5.5.10, and is running XP Pro
My writer is a old hp 8100+

Can anybody help me, or is it just time to get a new writer, and put the old on pension.

Regards SpeedPood
Hi M8

What speed/size of cd U talkin about?U mean 700mb/80min ones
Have U tried the disc in both the burner & the reader drive??
Last time i had that happen was cause i swithched in overburning in nero options, but my old burner didnt support it
Try burnig slightly less data 2 see if the drive is the prob(might just be old age

Yep a new burner will do U better as well as being faster.I used old drive 4 years then got a LiteOn52246S.It hte best hing i ever did.No more coasters & it support overburning

Hope it some help

Thanks for your quick reply banzibaby.
I´ll check all my settings in Nero, and see if this I have swithched in overburning .
I´ll report back, if this help me out.

NB: Congrats with your new titel :D
Nope, no luck :(

Just think that I have to bury the poor old thing, and get myself a new one.
But thank banzibaby for your effort.
Cheers SpeedPood
Your burner can do 74 min cds only(650 mb)only by fabric documentation...I heard there is a modified firmware which caqn do up to 83 minutes---thats for 80 min cds...I also had hp 7100 before and with modified traxdata firmware let me burn up to 82,5 minutes--so look for that or buy new burner!!!!!Hope this helps a bit!!!!
Traxdata is a company name---they made a burners before--you need a firmware for their burners--thats helped me with 7100--check out firmware places for your burner!!!!But do not know if its working for your burner0--so check it twice before apply firmware or you can destroy your burner--which woudnt be a bad idea couse you can buy new msi 52 speed for 50$us--or liteom for few bucks more!!!Btw when you open properties,what model and firmware it shows---cose newest is 1g or 10g--cant remember--if its not that go to hp site and download that--might cure the problem!!:)
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HP 7100 = Philips CDD-3610.
HP 8200= Sony CRX-120e
In short, two totally different burners.
You will hardly find an alternative firmware for 8200- this pretty much applies for all Sony burners.
Yep--two different burners--7100 and 8100----Thought was if traxdata was rebadging hp--they might did that with 8100--and the only way is to look on net!!!!