burning help


New member
hey guys

im kinda a noobler when it comes to burning so I need help with this, well I use Alcohol 120% to burn DVDs and I cant burn DVDs that I have bought because of the copy write or whatever, could someone please tell me if i can get around this. I do not want to make copies to sell, I just want a spare incase the orginal is damaged. any help would be great.

Thank you
Welcome scatman_aus. :)
As far as your question goes did you take a look around are forum? :confused:
You may want to start in DVD Conversion Tutorials and I'll give you a hint look for Laz he may have a good idea for you.:)
Try one and if you have a problem post it.


New member
ok that is downloaded and i was able 2 put a movie onto hard drive, now im afraid acohol is cant see it to burn it to a blank dvd. what should I do? download something else? im sorry for asking questions that sound stupid to you lot. but i am thankful