burning cd problem

I'm a newbie at burning. I have an old Delta 20x4x4 OME W141 CD-RW and am using Easy CD Creator 5. I have a 2 GB P2 400 128 meg SD 100 RAM and the burner is the only cd drive. Problem is that I can copy files from my hard drive MP3 etc but whenever I try to copy an entire CD I can olny get to 87% (or thereabouts) before I get underrun errors. I've read a heap of FAQ's but can't find an answer. I'm using Emtec 80 min cd's. (first batch) and am building up quite a collection of coasters. I've defraged, shut down the virus scanner, screen saver and pretty much everything else than runs in the background but nothing works. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Iam not an expert on this but since u have no other replies...
I usally only get buffer underun errors if I try to burn to quickly ie set you speed to maybe 8x or if ya have to 4x ... also I use buffer underun protection set to on whenever possible...or image acopy of the cd you wish to burn on the hard disk . Ive also read that it is unwise to install your burner on the same IDE cable as the hard drive...hope some of that helps!:)
Hi. This is problem that has many reasons..and therefore many solutions. First of all...make sure your HD isn´t fragmented. Next you should close down ALL running apps. Even those in the background eg. virusscanners etc. If you run Win96/98/ME this is important. Win2k and XP uses another filestructure and therefore less sensitive. The speed you use are important as well. Always make an ISO file and burn from this. To be extra secure...make the ISO..then defrag...and burn. Be sure to use the latest drivers. Finally...are you sure your burner has full support for 80min CDs?
Have you tried to use other apps? EZCD is not the most relayable app to use. Has its own way of making problems.
