Burning 80 Min CD

I have Plex121032 and HP 9500i Writers but both could not recognize the 800 MB Blank CD..Where is the problem here ?
Is there a certain Writers can burn 80 Min CD'S ??
Please Help me..
Thanks for reply
I made mistakes I mean 800 MB 90 Min CD..
Niether Nero Nor NTI nor CDRWin could do the jop also CCD v3.x
all could not recognize the blank volume as 800 MB ..is the problem in Blank CD or in writers or in software.
please Help
-say bruh...don't be suprised cuz i think they got cd's that go up to 120 minutes in Japan

-if u even look @ some of the updated burnin' software...you'll notice that the status bar at the bottom doesn't stop @ 80 minutes anymore...check it out
It Works

Thanks pokopiko..
Your advise has done OK and I could burn 810 MB on the CD..Yes It has been recognized as 80 Min CD but took 90 Min volume By Plextor..
Thanks a lot