burning 2 ISO's to the same CD-R

Hi. I want to make an Audio CD featuring 2 different artists but I do not want to use .wav/.mp3 to do a compilation as I want to preserve the correct gaps between the songs from both original recordings. Is it possible to rip all the tracks from one CD as an IMAGE, do the same with the other CD, then merge both images together and burn it as a combined ISO to create an Audio CD that will play on a home stereo? If so, what software do I need and what options do I use? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks:rolleyes:
I think it's not posible. You can make an image of an audio cd, that's not a problem, you can modify a created image using some image editors like winiso, isobuster,cdmage, etc. but you will have not enough storage space if the 2 images are for a standar audio cd (12 or 14 songs).
Using mp3 may be an option only if your regular CD audio player support it, becouse most not. Some of the mp3 players has a built in funtion of adding a 2 seconds gap betwen song to avoid such problem of hearing a very large song.
So I think you will have no choise of making 2 audio cd's or use another media recording like DVD.
Thanks everyone for your help. I will certainly look into all the options. I have no experience with EAC though, I found it incredibly complicated to use and there didn't seem to be any easy to understand instructions on how to copy things with it. Does anyone know where any form of tutorial can be found for it?