Bug Report - Method


Have you considered a 'bug report' thread or e-mail form for reporting what some may consider bugs?

I see several issues being referred to in different posts. If there were a structure in place, you might get more helpful input and be able to help you differentiate between 'operator error' and real bugs.

Just a thought!
DenFussell said:

Have you considered a 'bug report' thread or e-mail form for reporting what some may consider bugs?

I see several issues being referred to in different posts. If there were a structure in place, you might get more helpful input and be able to help you differentiate between 'operator error' and real bugs.

Just a thought!
thanks for the kick up the a$$ as I've always mean't to make such a thread but never got round to it

now I have some time I'll knock one up

cheers ;)