bpm studio pro 4.2.0

does any one know where i can get a full working version ?
the demo version is all i can find.

i'd be greatfull for any help.

spider :)
Try here

This worked a couple of weeks ago - hopefully it'll still do the job :)


Get it from there (the crack is in the zip) but you require all 10 files - 5 from each site and d/l their exporter to decrypt the files.

Some of the files got corrupted when I d/l them but the exporter informs you which ones are stuffed and you can re-download.

Good Luck


thanx for the link , it didnt download when i tried but i will try again.

im after dj software + bpm was recomended do you know any other?



good one @ Demulith ... but they doesn´t have the newest bpm ;) but it´s still a good site ...

lol, thanx, I know about old version, but I also had another audiowarez site but after my harddrive crash I've lost my bookmarks :(
You could try PCDJ at h**p://w*w.visiosonic.com/

I liked the older ver called Digital1200 but both along the same lines as BPM Studio
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Registered: Nov 2001
Location: croatia <--- Ovo za stvarno ili?
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sorry to other people for a bit of croatian
I have a "paradox" BPM4,2, but it seems to change the windows sounds every time I start it up.
I even try the one at mp3club,but it didnt work.
Anyone who nows where to get a working fullversion?

FFS ,not again???

Just installed BPM Studio 4.6 and it appears that Oxygen have over-ripped this the same as Wavelab 4.0D.

Simply put, the CDR function has also been removed from it :(

Installed 4.2 and upgraded and that appears to have fixed it.

Are Oxygen planning on bringing out their own CDR Software and thats why they disable these features in every new release they do?? :D :D


Thanx for the tip men! The CDR section doesn't recognise my TEAC 40x writer... But as I saw in the changelog, I noticed that my model was not on the list (it had full support for all models except the 40x, perhaps because it is new). Perhaps they use the same dll with the updated kernel and things may be a little mixed :) I will check it thorougly since BPM Studio is my favourite prog ;)
Re: FFS ,not again???

Oldy said:
Just installed BPM Studio 4.6 and it appears that Oxygen have over-ripped this the same as Wavelab 4.0D.

Simply put, the CDR function has also been removed from it :(

CDR function works fine in 4.2.6 for me (Ricoh MP7200A)