
Released 3 Nov2003. is available
- Huge Improvement of Topology reading/writing, mess misdetection, better quality, new algorythm
- autoplay version 4 (for Win2K/XP/2003/Longhorn) - more features, more support, more accurate
- fixed a bug in autoplay driver that could cause a crash under windows 2K with via chipset mobo
- log entries modified
- fixed closing app while reading toc led to a access violation
- fix priviledge problems warning
- fix exception problem on some computers
- update and add several languages.
- prepare fundations for support of new protection ( if your country allows private copy )
- serial from pirated serial and key generators introduce hazardous errors.

A new version of BWABuilder with the new algorythms will be released later. Only registered users will be able to use it, as we consider only experts users are involved

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