BlindWrite 4.2.x very high cpu usage

Has anyone experienced very high CPU usage during CD burn with BlindWrite 4.2.x ?
And it's not all, what also happens to me is that CPU burns up to 52°c!
This is never happened, especially in winter... (!)

My CPU is Athlon XP 2100+ cooled with Alpha 8045 (8x8cm), normally with XviD, MP3 or Ogg Vorbis encoding, even with *intensive* encoding temp raises to max 49°c.
(with normal usage it stays to 39°c)

Guess someone may know a bit about this... :rolleyes::D

Only thing I can suggest is to try a newer version of the software.Must be a problem in the coding.This happened to me with other software.Only updating to a newer version has helped.Might be the problem here.;) I did notice the last release had a CPU usage fix in it(for some regions).Hope it adresses the problem for you.
Currently I have installed 4.2.7, but the problem remains and it even repeats in other PCs (even in trial mode).
Region? Do you mean its localization code...?
(mine is configured for Italy)
From the Blindwrite site,applies to Asia only.

14th of December 2002
Blindwrite 4.2.7 is available.
-fix the "stack overflow" for asians Windows version.
-few changes in bwabuilder

Go to and report a bug there.I would not use the program in the meantime.


Alcohol might be a better software to use in the meantime.
woody said:
Alcohol might be a better software to use in the meantime.
Yeah, I already (and of course) use it, know about its solid popularity :), in few words Alcohol is a very well balanced program between flexibility access, fast usage, features and wide and well placed mastering infos and settings.
For first I like it conceptually... and then for its solid burning results :D.

I was interested to BlindWrite because it permits to choose directly SAO mode (only SAO-Cooked for my Plextor PX-8432 burner) while Alcohol shows "DAO / SAO" in one joint label or "DAO RAW".
2nd, I like much the analyze steps that it performs over CD images in pre-burning phase, so with that info you could be more confident to use SAO instead of DAO when it's possible.
Regarding this, indeed, while reading BW docs I was particularly surprised (!) regarding DAO/SAO issue vs laser precision; never and not even by hearsay, I have known that SAO (session-at-once) mode is more precise (timed) and sharp in burning process than DAO mode.

Anyone know even little technical detail if this issue is "valid" for all recorders? Especially modern recorders?

Just to hope to uncover something interesting about this issue by perform testing, is there any freeware/downloadable C1 error-checking program to test burned CD-Rs quality?
(like Lite-On WSES, but more readable...)

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