bin/cue question...

I d/l NFS2 and it is a bin file and cue file. Im not sure how to use this file to get a finished copy of the game (i.e. what proggy should I use to burn and are there any other steps I need to take?) Any advice would be helpful.
TIA ~Scion~
The Cue/Bin is at CDROM Image.

In Nero use

File->Open and select 'Image file' in File Types.

Now find and open the CUE file and Click Burn.

Now You got at CD with the Game.
The cue file has the information of the image (type of data to record, number of tracks, etc). Always is better to use this file if it's available (not all bin images are created with cue files) and the burning software support it. Nero can handle cue file, also CDRWin, Discjugger, but if your operative system is Winxp I'll suggest testing burnatonce, a small free program that it's working fantastic. It's just to handle image files (bin/cue, toc e iso), you can record and create cd images too. You can download from:
Nero can burn standard .bin images,ie mode 1,2352,but DisJuggler is more reliable,because it can burn non-standard .bin. It uses automaticly the correct settings....however,if you're not shure about the correct mode of the image,you can detect it with CdMage and feed in the correct mode manually in Nero or DJ....:)
Thanx VIPER, I didn't know that Alcohol did bins without the cue. Ran into that problem once and had to create my own cue file.
i would like to ask about after burning the cue/bin on the cd, is the cd burnt protected? or could I just copy the cd to another cd:confused:
UNCLE said:
i would like to ask about after burning the cue/bin on the cd, is the cd burnt protected? or could I just copy the cd to another cd:confused:

That depends on if the original cd is protected,or not.......cue/bin images can perfectly store safedisk 2 protection,but for burning a working copy of those,you have to use a supported writer....:)