BEWARE the Windows Media Player Patch

Last week I told you about a patch to the Windows Media Player (WMP) that you should download. Now I'm afraid that downloading that patch might put you at a greater security risk than if you didn't install the thing! Why? Because of something called an "End User License Agreement (EULA)". Check this out:

"You agree that in order to protect the integrity of content and software protected by digital rights management ('Secure Content'), Microsoft may provide security related updates to the OS Components that will be automatically downloaded onto your computer. These security related updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content and use other software on your computer. If we provide such a security update, we will use reasonable efforts to post notices on a web site explaining the update."

Whaaaaat?!? NO, we don't agree that Microsoft can upload anything they want to our computers. That's like me telling you: "since I sold you a house, I have the right to rip out a wall whenever I want and install a septic tank in the middle of your living room. Of course, I'll make my best effort not to smell up your house or make it otherwise unusable." If you downloaded this update, I highly recommend that you wipe your drive clean and reinstall Windows XP. You might be able to get away with uninstalling the update, but this is the worst kind of Spyware/Scumware, so you might not even be able to trust the uninstall routine. So much for the Microsoft "trustworthy computing" initiative. For more info, please take some time to check out:>
h**p://w* id=020716SE-Beware_WMP_Patch ;)
lol, glad I avoided installing that when I was on yesterday upgrading some things. If it is working fine, don't bother upgrading something =).
But I did notice a few times WMP trying to connect online, so just blocking it forever with firewall (gotta love those firewalls).
Thx for the info RASTABT.

Fortunately, apart from my O/S and Office I wouldn't touch any other M$ product with a barge pole. :p

Well, I think this scumware will be also included in the WMA9 which will be released this year, so M$ can of *FULL RIGHTS* of Windows, if so, I will just stay at WMA8, it is already very good ;)
Why is Microsoft so concerned about media copyright issues? Imagine if it not only ensured that its own programs couldn't be copied, but it also got a licensing fee from hollywood everytime some spotty teen failed to copy Britney.


I had a trojan guest yesterday, so I ended up installing the security patch (along with a buncha others). You can disable automatic downloading of future patches in control settings.
i installed this patch.
All you have to do is tell zonealarm not to let media player connect to the internet. simple
disabling automatic downloading in msn products doesn't work, so that's why you need a firewall catachresis.
Mine is disabled but still saw it trying to connect a few times.
Never trust M$. All they do is for their own purpose and their own wallet. Mine and yours integrity is sh*t worth in these matters.

Unfortunately, M$ have become very clever in the method used to update their software by allowing it to work within the confines of your Internet Browser.

They understand that even with a Firewall, you must allow your Browser full access rights to the Net. Therefore, blocking Media Player might not work completely. IP blocking is far safer until M$ start using random IP addresses.... Then that idea also sucks. :(

From M$ point of view, they have teams of people trying to stop people like us from enjoying "cheap" products. ;)

I still prefer to stick with other Media Players on the market - most are better than M$ version anyway and not as nosey when it comes to spying on what you use on your PC.

Sorry for bein a bore but have a read of dis again. And den av a very good look and read on (www) site for more tips and tricks about windows heehe ;)

Did you know that your Windows Media Player is spying on you? That's right! And you don't even have to install the latest Windows Media Player security patch (read more about the dangers of the WMP security patch later in this newsletter). The default settings of the WMP allow it to communicate with the Microsoft mothership and other Web sites and report on the songs you play, those you don't play, and what you had for breakfast (not sure about that last one). If you're not interested in the WMP reconnoitering your personal life, then turn off the Spyware! Here's how:

Open the Windows Media Player
Click the Tools menu and then click the Options command
Remove the checkmark from the Allow Internet sites to uniquely identify your Player checkbox
Click Apply and then click OK
Close the WMP and then open it again.
If you read the WMP Help file on the WMP, you'll get the impression that this setting isn't a problem. Ha! Don't you believe it! Turn that sucker off before something bad happens. You'll be glad you did.
And like most of us av dat firewall blockin ports you don't want to access de internet...firewall..firewall
Hi Guys

I'm new to this forum but I've been checking it out for about a week now and I must say this is THE BEST forum I have ever joined. So many helpful and resourceful people here. I learn something new every day it seems.

RASTABT, I have read something about this issue before but I wasn't clear on exactly what all of this meant. Why in the hell would MS care about what I listened to? They can't legally sell that info, right? They can't somehow block my burning of mp3s or wavs can they? I'm not disputing anything here so don't get me wrong. I agree that MS can access info that they should not. In practice, though, what will MS prevent me from doing that I might want to do?

Like I said I'm not disputing the issue I just want to have a better understanding of what is taking place.

Thanks RastaBT for them fine directions!

J3sus, I remember just over ten years ago, all those US conservatives arguing that the USSR was gonna impose 1984 and Big Brother on god-fearing 'mericans. It's 2002 and the the bushers with Microsoft and Hollywood are making the world safe for commercial media sales Coming soon: The Department of Homeland Defense -- combining the Ministries of Truth and Peace -- sponsored by Pepsi!

joripe said:
Bill dont just do it for himself they are all in it together Big Boys cant stand little boys ripping em off
The truth is everyone is so confused they have to start with new RULES. LAWS have to be formulated new now. That is the hanky panky software author stuff. You can HAVE IT FREE but at your own COMPUTER RISK.

Just look at 7 years ago the stock market could ONLY GO UP. New rules as YOU could sue THEM for ripoff lies. You need to be one step ahead of them thinking if new laws. In most cases shafting you as you PAY for anything too.

DAH! It ain't illegal to speed on the shoulder of the road! Simple.

There were 2 trees so he went between them so sue VW for not making an auto safe for a STONE drunk to drive.

They do not know what they are doing. They sold sold sold.
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how do you expect me to watch videos on the net, if I block the player with the firewall, as you proposed? somehow the player must get the video from the net before playing it.