Last week I told you about a patch to the Windows Media Player (WMP) that you should download. Now I'm afraid that downloading that patch might put you at a greater security risk than if you didn't install the thing! Why? Because of something called an "End User License Agreement (EULA)". Check this out:
"You agree that in order to protect the integrity of content and software protected by digital rights management ('Secure Content'), Microsoft may provide security related updates to the OS Components that will be automatically downloaded onto your computer. These security related updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content and use other software on your computer. If we provide such a security update, we will use reasonable efforts to post notices on a web site explaining the update."
Whaaaaat?!? NO, we don't agree that Microsoft can upload anything they want to our computers. That's like me telling you: "since I sold you a house, I have the right to rip out a wall whenever I want and install a septic tank in the middle of your living room. Of course, I'll make my best effort not to smell up your house or make it otherwise unusable." If you downloaded this update, I highly recommend that you wipe your drive clean and reinstall Windows XP. You might be able to get away with uninstalling the update, but this is the worst kind of Spyware/Scumware, so you might not even be able to trust the uninstall routine. So much for the Microsoft "trustworthy computing" initiative. For more info, please take some time to check out:>
h**p://w*w.winxpnews.com/rd/rd.cfm? id=020716SE-Beware_WMP_Patch
Last week I told you about a patch to the Windows Media Player (WMP) that you should download. Now I'm afraid that downloading that patch might put you at a greater security risk than if you didn't install the thing! Why? Because of something called an "End User License Agreement (EULA)". Check this out:
"You agree that in order to protect the integrity of content and software protected by digital rights management ('Secure Content'), Microsoft may provide security related updates to the OS Components that will be automatically downloaded onto your computer. These security related updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content and use other software on your computer. If we provide such a security update, we will use reasonable efforts to post notices on a web site explaining the update."
Whaaaaat?!? NO, we don't agree that Microsoft can upload anything they want to our computers. That's like me telling you: "since I sold you a house, I have the right to rip out a wall whenever I want and install a septic tank in the middle of your living room. Of course, I'll make my best effort not to smell up your house or make it otherwise unusable." If you downloaded this update, I highly recommend that you wipe your drive clean and reinstall Windows XP. You might be able to get away with uninstalling the update, but this is the worst kind of Spyware/Scumware, so you might not even be able to trust the uninstall routine. So much for the Microsoft "trustworthy computing" initiative. For more info, please take some time to check out:>
h**p://w*w.winxpnews.com/rd/rd.cfm? id=020716SE-Beware_WMP_Patch