
I am having probs backing up a couple of game that are SF2 protected. I have ClonyXXL and CloneCD,latest versions, but am just getting coasters.

Burner HP 9350i

Someone says use betablocker, what is this and how do I use it.
Also I have heard that you can hide media in CloneCD, how do I do this as I cant find it.

All help welcome the kids are doing my head in wrecking the originals.

Any other advice welcome
jocky a betablocker (i think) is a proggy that amplifys weak sectors of the protection of a game.. all you do is drag the image of the game after youve read it to your hard drive to the blocker and push the button. hey presto. then burn your image to disc. u can get one from w** hope i have been some help


What game are you trying to backup? I had NO success with BettaBlocker& HP writers. A handy tool to determine what version of safedisc= Safedisc Analyser

Safedisc Analyser download:/
Install the original game. Open safedisc analyser and click load. Locate the game exe on your hd that you just installed ;)

jockey have you tried burning with other software, i use discjuggler 4 its pretty good check out the forums theres loads to choose from, also was your burner on the list at w* good luck me old bud


Get another cdrw my friend

I don't have a clue as to what cd protection is on The Settlers IV.
You can use TCCD Scout 2.2 to determine what protection is on the cd. Your best bet here is to download a program called Isobuster 1.0& keygen. Search this forum to get the 2 programs.
Go to Game Copy World and get the latest patch for the game and extract the game to your hd. Follow the game patch instruction and burn the "cracked" game using your favorite burnin' softwarwe (Nero). If you like to backup pc game protections then my advice would be to get the Asus CRW-4012a or LiteOn 24x& up. Both these cdrw's can cut the latest Safedisc& SecuROM3 *new* protections ;) Good luck :D



Asus over LiteOn

Good luck trying to make a 1:1 backup of the SecuROM3 *new* protection found on Warcraft III& Neverwinter Nights. Litey's are having some difficulties copying this new protection. My Asus CRW 4012a (butta cutta) cut right through this protection with a breeze, smooth sailin' ;)

Asus CRW 4012a specs:

Just got a Liteon 48x. It appears to be ok!

I had trouble finding a Asus 4012 in the UK. Anyone know where?

Thanks for all the help, info. I will no doubt run into more problems sometime soon, hahahahaha



Not a bad choice m8 but you'll have troubles trying to make a 1:1 backup of Securom3 *new*(Warcraft III). Now all you have to buy is the LiteOn LTD 163/165 DVD-Rom to get past securom3 *new* ;) Too bad you could'nt get the Asus because this "mojO' can beat literally all cd protections out there. Except for tages of course....

Got the Liteon LTD 163 when I got the Burner.

When I come up against Securom3, do I just use the DVD player to read the protected CD:confused:

Is it better the read the image to the harddrive, or is it ok to COPY ON THE FLY:eek:

I am using CloneCD.
