Best SVCD File Merging Program ?

need help,I basically use TPGenc to merge the two svcd files together,but the merged file audio is out of sync,it's fine for the first half of the film but when it comes to the second merged file part the audio is way out,any ideas guys ? tried M2Edit Pro but same problem,it's realy frustrating,I'm probably just missing something settings wise somewhere,any help to correct this sad problem would be most appreciated.

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Just found a solution to the same problem. Had used VCDGear to extract mpgs from SVCD disks (4), and kept getting out of sync when merging with TMPGEnc and M2Edit 4/5... Since I was trying to merge them to convert to DVD format anyway, I first transcoded each SVCD mpg to DVD mpg with TMPGEnc. Then I merged the mpgs to one with TMPGEnc as mpeg2 Program in Merge and Cut. Was then able to demux the combined 3gb file to m2v and mpa files and authored in SpruceUp with no audio sync issues.
And how long did that take?
BTW spruceup only outputs at 4:3

This is no problem for 16:9 tvs but for standard 4:3 tvs it can stretch the picture. ;)

U will need to author with ifo edit or dvd patcher to return to 16:9.
No Joy.

first I tried File Merger,fused both files no problem,total size was 1.58gig,yes success I though,played it and it would only play the first part of the file again,even though the other part had been merged according to the end size,anyway though I would try doing it the other long way as suggested,both files are SVCD.MPG,and all I get with TMPGenc when trying to load them is file format not supported unable to load or not recognised,will I ever manage it I ask myself,starting to run out of options to try ?

Xoltana. :confused:
Daveml, it took about 4hrs per 810mb SVCD mpg file. Demuxing took a while, but I do have an AthlonXP2000+ with a fast hd and 512mb of PC2700 DDR. The merging didn't take very long, and the authoring went smooth.

Since the lotr2 svcd files were converted as 4:3 that looked like 16:9, there was no problem with stretching, and I got 12 good chapters with a cool background on the opening menu that pointed to a second menu with all the chapters..