Best software for conversing .VOB-files to Divx?


What is the best software for converting .VOB-files(from DVD) from my hard drive to DivX???

I tried with Vidomi, but it breaks up the conversion after some minutes without any notice to give. So, I need another one.

Can somebody help me???

you could try "easy divx" its freeware and does a good job :D

there are others out there but this is good its an all in one ripper encoder and compressor !!!

go here to download


its updated fairly regular and is simple to use to make either 1 disk or 2 disk divx cds :D :D
you must not be doing the conversion properly with vidomi, cause it is the soft that will produce the best DivX. Works great for us. Have a look at tutorials by ChickenMan. That said, there are many alternatives, guess you'll just have to shop around.
Good luck.
Vob to Divx

I've tried alot of video conversion progs and Dvd2Avi seems to be the best to me. Everybody seems to have their preference. So the best thing to do is try them all and see which works best for you. Plus you have to read,read,read, all the tutorials you can get your hands on.
blane, DVD2AVI just makes an avi file, not a DivX file (at least not used by anyone I know for that). AVI's are a type of compressed video file format (though not really compressed lol) & yes, DVD2AVI is great for making DVD rips into avi & then converting it to VCD/SVCD.
As everyone is saying, there are now many options as to how to make DivX conversions. Vidomi, EasyDivx, DVD2AVI, Gaudian Knot and FlaskMPEG all come to mind. But my choices would be Vidomi (because of simplicity and great results) or FlaskMPEG for versitility.

DVD2AVI home site is _