Best DVD???

Hi guys...
I wanted some info on which DVD I should buy....
I want a good dvd/cd-rom player in ATAPI...
On some tests i have seen that Pioneer DVD's are really fast and best on Audio extraction 116 seems to be great, better than pioneer 106s... is that true....?? ...i have heard it doesn't have (116) a digital output for sound and that the 106s has one (what a digital output offers??)....what about the new one ??=>pioneer 500m....what's that??
The best on that test was NEC..but i can't find that easily in the market...what do you think???
My needs are fast and accurate audio extraction, compatibility with all cd-roms (every type and format) and best for copying cd's (reading protections like safedisk 2 and be able to copy it correctly).....The last is very important for me...
At the Clone CD site the tests have been done with a Toshiba dvd...are they any good??
Thanks for any suggestions....:D
Good info!!!

Im thinking of new drive.Should have good audioextraction,and goodwriting,+ to read dvd,so i can rip them.And dont want dvd writing(things just starting,too many formats,expensive,2,3 years from now yes,now NOT).Doesent have to copy protected things,dont care(line in will doit for them).Which one would you recomend.Or since i dont asking to much,which means almost everyone will doit,which one should last 2,3,4 years(until i buy dvd writer),whichones are most relibiable.So,what i asking are;reliability and audio(would be nice if it would be worked good in complet with eac o.9b2(most important audio app for me).So Pokopiko,bertieg,Roadworker and other hardware experts fire it up guys,lets get it on!!!:)
Zver have a read of the experts (cdr labs) review on the excellant Liteon h**p://
I would say go to CDRWarez---but its not up anymore(few nice suggestions from cdrsoft members and administrators),but simply go to as said there for smart something on the box(liteon sticker is there there too),,look for rebadged drives(cendune and memorex both 24x):) BTW thanks for nice info guys,will do as said!!THANKS AGAIN!!:)
Thanks a lot guys.... And thanks .. pokopiko for the info in the greek market...A bit of info....Asus dvd can be found on Plaisio (Stournari str.)...........thanks...
I think some of the pioneers are pretty good. Toshiba has good & bad points. Sometimes loads a little slow, but can always read almost anything. The newer DVD-ROM drives take longer than the older drives to load up CDs though (cause of the innitial search/read burst). Also about 90% of newer drives tend to come out Region locked (or lock after 4/5 uses).
Myself am using a Sony DDU1621. I flash patched it to make it region free & works perfectly now. (have Lite-On & Toshiba on other machines)
If by chance you get one that is region locked & you want to unlock it, let me know & I'll tell you how to do it & where to get the flashing drivers/tools you will need. Some explanations on the web aren't very easy. hmmmm, perhaps I should make a thread or something on my simple steps lol
I just bought a LiteOn 163D and it is fantastic. I can now do CD to CD copy on-the-fly at 24x, but generally set it at 16x.

I cannot get even an 8x copy on-the-fly from my Toshiba DVD 1302. My LiteOn 24x Burner burns 8x minimum.
Toshiba DVD 1402

I don't have any problems with my Toshiba DVD 1402 at all. It keeps up with my 24x CD burner with no problems, maybe I just got lucky. One thing for sure though, it reads anything. I have not had it to not be able to read any copy protected CD so that it could be copied by my CD writer. I have also heard nothing but positive reviews and raves about the Liteon, I just don't have one myself to share any experience. Peace.
What is the best dvd-rom?

What is the best dvd-rom?
tosiba or lite on? that can rea copy proctection. and it can reap everything?