Best DVD-R Drive to backup PS2 games..

Reggy D

New member
Can any drive backup games or only specific ones? if so, which ones? what's the best one out there for backing up?

I'm getting my PS2 modded soon, and wanna be able to play backups, which I'll be burning myself, so I need to choose the right DVD-RW drive for my needs.

My PS2 is V5/6, if that's any help.

I'll prolly be getting either the DMS3 Modchip or the Messiah 2 PRO Mod chip. The Messiah seems cheaper, and the only differance I've read about is that the DMS3 can become "invisible" if needed.
Edit by...Rastabt! ;)

Reggy D

New member
I can pickup a Messiah 2 Pro for just short of 30 notes, I think thats a good rate right?

Fitting it... well... anyone know any fitters in the UK? ;)


To answer your first question yes any drive can successfully backup games just some drives work better than others. Like the pioneer A06 as mentioned above.