Best DVD editing Software to cut commercials?


New member
I'm looking for software which will allow me cut "scenes" from a DVD without too much overhead.

I have a new Tivo pioneer 810H which burns DVD's directly off satallite. The problem is some content contains commercials which I wish to edit out. I have a Pioneer A06 to do the editing. The supplied Ulead software craps out at @12% rendered. (On a 2 hr DVD)

My question... what is the best tool for the job.... just cut commercials and reburn bact to DVD?

I don't know about "best" but I just did what you're talking about using Sonic MyDVD Deluxe 5. It was real easy. I captured a Jimmy Neutron episode off TV through my VCR with my Digital 8 camcorder piggy backed on it. I conected the Firewire/DV cable to my PC and captured in real-time as a DVD Compliant MPEG 2 file using the camcorder as a pass-through or "capture card" so to speak. Then I imported the mpeg2 file into MyDVD and editied the scenes. I cut the commercials out making them scenes and did not add them to the time line. Then I burned to DVD. I was quite amazed at the results.

If you already have the content on DVD I suppose you would rip it to the hard drive as an AVI using DVD2SVCD in AVI mode then edit in MyDVD.

There are many other options. This is just one way of doing it.
Burn DVD's off satelite sounds just about illegal to me I hope they are for your own Use

PS search the forum

Thread was closed but I have reopened it after good Legal advice!!


New member
Tivo Pioneer 810 H DVD Burner

The new Tivo Pioneer DVR 810 H main purpose is to burn content off satalite, cable, or OTA. Although I have no desire to share any recordings, it only takes the press of one button for ANYONE to do it now. Tivo and Pioneer Electronics are not about to mass produce equiptment which is illegal...
Its just a new age in "VCR" history.
So how is the quality of the burned movie? How much does the Tivo service cost per month? I've been thinking hard about getting just such a setup so I won't have to "tie up" my camcorder.


New member
Markbot said:
So how is the quality of the burned movie? How much does the Tivo service cost per month? I've been thinking hard about getting just such a setup so I won't have to "tie up" my camcorder.
There are 4 quality settings for this Tivo unit. The "High" and "Extreme" settings produce recordings as perfect as the Source (for all but the most fanatical) while still having one analog/digital conversion. There is no extra conversion going from the Tivo hard drive to DVD ie digital to digital.

For all those interested here is a link to the pioneer site,,2076_4137,00.html
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