They tell you six weeks but they LYE!!!! I sent out a rebate 7/28/03 and guess what. Can you say circle jerk!!!!:mad: I called norcent about 90 days ago and they said and the said they had to many people responded to the rebate so it will be another 8 weeks!!! Can you say mail fraud!!!! See I would go it to best buys and make a big seen but the stores are so empty it doesn't matter!!! Also so far BB is not being like CompUSA at least there they will give you the money, I know I've mad money at their store.:D So I say Best Buys S*&*$ and beware they are not customer friendly!!! It turns out I don't even like the drive (RW521) I'm selling the drive and getting a liteon :cool:. So I add Best Buys and Norcent to the hall of scammers. How about that for a sticky scamming retailers?:cool:
Well they are the worst!!!! Both of them well I called back in the begin of december and they in shored me I would have a check in my hands before the 1st, well guess what no check!!!! The best is BB is washing their hands of they say it not them it a manufacturer rebate. Thats funny why is their name all over the receipt and it say if have a problem call them. Well you can call just don't expect them to do anything!!!!:mad: Now when you call NORSHIT the phone is busy so I told BB they have the phone off the hook!!! Well she said they can't do that.....:confused: OOOK. So do yourslef a favor don't buy norshit stuff!!! The drive is junk I sold it and back to liteon which is the best!!!!
Stupid rebates... :rolleyes:

I've not received my last 2 rebates from ATI either.That's 100 dollars. :mad: I'm real leary of rebate offers now.Unfortunately we are at the mercy of the companies that offer them.Some companies honor them well...others...not!

We have Best Buy here in Canada,and Future Shop that is owned by Best Buy.Their main drawing point is rebate offers.I also have lost faith in these offers.Too bad we couldn't get the retailers to deal with these rebate offers instead.
hmmmmmmmmmm that sux guys :(

maby just as well we do not get these amazing deals and rebate offers here in the u.k. :)

It just stinks that you guys are messed about and loose out tryin to save a few $'s here and there you may as well paid the full price then at least you would of had your goods with a couple of days not months/or not at all :)


The operative word here is PUSH. I get every one of my rebates, but sometimes I've had to push to get them. One took me almost 1 year to get the rebate, but I got it... $100 bucks. ;)

This problem is not exclusive to Best Buy though. Best Buy, like everyone else passes on this rebate stuff to a 3rd party. I've actually had good experience with Best Buy rebates... so far.

Do your homework. Make sure you read all the fine print and give them everything they ask for. Then make high quality copies of your rebates (I use my scanner ;) ) and file them away.

If you don't get the rebate in the time specified, call and complain. They will ask you for copies of the materials. Write down names and the time/s called and use them in any subsequent conversations or letters.

Most people fail to do any of this and this goes to these companies favor... more money for them.

Be persistent, but polite and you will get your money. Yes it's a pain in the ass, but you have to ask yourself... do you want your money?!

Mr Snatcher

New member
I am not much for the rebates anyways, Just give the money now. Funny thing is also if you return something that you paid for cash thats over 200 bucks, you have to wait for 2 weeks for a refund. I also dont like Best Buys selling tacticts. They always forget to mention the important stuff, and always trying to sell you that stupid useless performance plan... Like my big screen needs to be tuned once a year, it has a self tuner on it. You have to drop it down a flight of stairs for the lenses to be out of whack.
Check this out, I know why people go postal!!!!
I called Norshit (1-800-916-4011) today and the operator told me the department is closed due to a show and they will not open again till monday!!! What a joke!! I called BB and they got someone, well guess what I'm not in their system so they have to call me back by the end of the week. DON"T BUY NORSHIT PRODUCTS!!!! I can't say that enough, I know I never will!!!
I agree, rebates suck, but so far I have been burned by only 1 and it was partly my fault. Yours does sound fishy though. In one post you used the term "mail fraud" and that is a very serious offense. Perhaps a threat to complain to the better buisness bureau, state attorney general's office, post master general and/or US attorney general might get their attention. Hey your tax dollars fund most of these agencies, put them to use.
Guess what today is saturday and guess who didn't call yesterday!!!!

Lucky for him his mail box is full!!!
Good luck!Hope it is finally settled for you.ATI never responded to me.It was if they never got my mail.That happened twice in a short period of time.Didn't keep photocopies,so I'm SOL.Was my own fault,nothing to follow up with.So be forewarned. ;)