They tell you six weeks but they LYE!!!! I sent out a rebate 7/28/03 and guess what. Can you say circle jerk!!!! I called norcent about 90 days ago and they said and the said they had to many people responded to the rebate so it will be another 8 weeks!!! Can you say mail fraud!!!! See I would go it to best buys and make a big seen but the stores are so empty it doesn't matter!!! Also so far BB is not being like CompUSA at least there they will give you the money, I know I've mad money at their store. So I say Best Buys S*&*$ and beware they are not customer friendly!!! It turns out I don't even like the drive (RW521) I'm selling the drive and getting a liteon . So I add Best Buys and Norcent to the hall of scammers. How about that for a sticky scamming retailers?