Banned from Xbox Live - Change the MAC address and serial number


Staff member
Found at CDFreaks:

Thats Right folks! We have done it. We could tonight successfully change the XBOX Serial Number and MAC Address to something we wanted and the XBOX LIVE Network Dash picked the changed Serial number and MAC Address up!

We Then successfuly signed on to XBOX LIVE with the NEW serial number and MAC address with the MOD Chip removed.. the XBOX LIVE System was 100% happy with the NEW Serial Number! While we were at it, With our New Serial and MAC we played a bit of Online UNREAL Championship (And kicked some ass!) This is a GREAT step forward to help understand why a 100% stock and a un-modified XBOX with all modifications removed can NOT access XBOX LIVE.

Please beware that this is for informational purposes ONLY you MUST only use XBOX LIVE with an un modified XBOX as stated in the XBOX LIVE agreements
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Actualy itr looks like m$ have just found out how many people have modified their xboxes and have stopped the total ban feature, it now only BLOCKS you if you remove your chip it still works (as long as the box is restored to its original settings)

cant remember where i saw it but someone tested the packets sent and worked out how its checking, if i can find it i'll post it here)

M$ are taking a gamble, but they hope that xblive will encourage those who have chipped machines to un chip them and buy games, if they permenently blocked a machine then over 50% of their european userbase would never use xblive and like the xb itself it would be a financial disaster.
as promised

Here is some valuable information regarding the live problem, that I have discovered.
First of all I have to give much thanks to DaOne and PappMastA for their help.
Through my test, I have verified that the LIVE system is indeed verifying the bios, and regardless of what they say, they are not letting people on with a modified bios.
Here is the test:

-> (mod enabled)

First we recover our banned account.
Then we try to access account settings.
Network Error.
Network Test, success.
Account settings, Network Error.
Try to play game on LIVE, network error.
Ok, it will not let us access live with the mod enabled any more.

-> (mod disabled)

Access account settings, success.
play game, success.
Ok so we know its preventing us from doing anything with our mod enabled.
So now the real test, is it a dirty patch in our bioses causing this problem?
Maybe its a decryption problem from something we patched?

Lets find out.
We take our original bios.
We unpack it, and then we repack it.
No modification to the kernel what-so-ever. Just want to make sure we can build bioses that run on live.
Built, flashed, tested. Works 100%;
Now, I am to modify the kernel before we pack again. I modified the bios by exactly 1 bit.
Built, Flashed, Tested, Network error, WTF?
1 BIT ?
Hmm... sneaky sneaky microsoft, the only way that this could happen is if the live code is generating a checksum of our kernel.
Lets move on to our packet logging analysis.

-> (mod disabled)
Packet sent,
Packet recieved,
lots of fast packets back and forth.

-> (mod enabled)
Packet sent.
Packet sent.
Packet sent.
Packet sent.
Packet recieved (woo hoo)
(rather large) packet sent.
packet sent
packet sent..
... Network error.

By this analysis you can conclude the first packet must contain a CRC for the bios, and the server simply ignores us for awhile... sends a packet back requesting more information about us then we send it, then it just ignores us uuntil we have a network timeout.
I have tested this theory about 5 times and i get the same results each time.
Also, concluding this test, as you see I was not able to even login to live with a modded xbox therefore I couldn't get banned.
It appears the are no longer banning boxes (maybe due to high support costs). But rather saying, disable your mod, and you can play, but we wont allow mods.
I am off to the next step of discovering a proper solution to our live needs... I thought I would make this information available to everyone else first

also foud this one too

1 - Failure of the connectivity test is NOT a mod chip issue at all!
The connectivity test SHOULD succeed even if your box is chipped.
If it fails there are kerberos/handshaking problems at work which may be related to misconfiguration or problems at MS's servers.
The failure will occur with new non-modded systems as well, and seems to be somewhat random.

2 - Upon an initial XBLive connect via a game (if connectiviity is good), your Xbox will receive an "update".
This update is capable of detecting the Mod chip and retail CD.
It does NOT matter if your XBox is chipped or not, during the update process.

3 - After the update if you start an XBLive game (and connectivity is good) your mod chip will be detected if on. This will prevent your from connecting to the game servers. The troubleshooting dialog will still NOT report any trouble.

4 - If you turn OFF the mod chip on the same machine (without connectivity issues) the same RETAIL games will play fine.

5 - The problem is NOT related to ANY software on the hard drives nor kernel & Bios VERSIONS.
I've run 4034 bioses on 3894(?) machines and XBLive works fine.
The Dashboard used once the update is complete is the SAME for all Xboxes.
I've unlocked and swapped out hard drives from IDENTICAL working and nonworking Xboxes, then relocked. The problem ALWAYS travels with the motherboard itself.

6 - Machines are NOT detected and BANNED over time. I've had units WITH mod chips on line since the start of the retail period.
Simply turning OFF the mod chip restores game operation on retail games.

7 - Accounts are NOT detected and BANNED over time. I've used the SAME accounts in all cases as a further check.

8 - This is NOT an IP or MAC address issue. I've swapped both on many non-working and working machines, again the problem stays with the motherboard.
It MAY be related to the serialization of the motherboard's EEPROM.
E. G. Certain serial numbers are not being accepted or more correctly replied to by the servers.

9 - This (connectivity) is NOT related to how old the machines were or if they EVER had a mod chip installed.
Old machines both work and not work as observed above.

10 - This is NOT a "banned" serial number problem.
New unchipped machines, old unchipped machines exhibit identical problems.
In all cases the machines never get a response from the server.
A banned machine will receive a not-authenticated reply from the server. This never happens (YET!).

11 - MS is spreading FUD about this entire process.
They are purposely misreporting what is occuring and/or their techs are not up to speed, etc.
The on-line techs also seem not to know what is going on.

12 - This is occuring with great frequency on non-modded Xboxes.
It is unlikely that MS will take back 30% of all Xboxes out there for repairs since they do not work on XBLive.

13 - Bottom line:
If you get connecitivity in the Xblive tab, turn off your mod chip and PLAY!

14 - You will need to be able to disable the mod chip via a switch or other type mechanism to go onto XBLive games.

15 - There are no ill effects to be had by leaving your mod chip ON.
hope it clears stuff up a bit :)