backing up backups "orignal broke"

So you are saying that if I have already made a backup copy and my original broke that it is illegal to make an other? Even if I still have the broke original I can't have two burned copies?You know one for backup.That is the whole purpose so you won't scratch the original up. Right.So if my backup breaks I have no disk and I have to pay around $20. bucks to replace it.
in a word ....YES the idea of a BACKUP is exactly that !? :confused: you make the BACKUP and put your original safe!!! :)

If you break both then is that not defeating the object of having the BACKUP SAFE !? :confused: !?!?


New member
VIPER_1069 said:
in a word ....YES the idea of a BACKUP is exactly that !? :confused: you make the BACKUP and put your original safe!!! :)

If you break both then is that not defeating the object of having the BACKUP SAFE !? :confused: !?!?

Burning DVD's or CD's is not illegal unless YOU SELL THEM, you can make as many copies of that DVD as you want, its not illegal unless you start to sell them. I can make 50 copies of my DVD movie than just throw away that DVD movie, its not illegal, its my, i just cant start selling them.
@Fulminant I dont know where U live but in MOST countries what U say is Blx a backup is just that & even 1 is illegal in some places U CANNOT legally produce them willy nilly Im afraid
