back up problem


New member
sorry if this message is in the wrong place,very new to forums
my problem is my dvd back ups wont play on my dvd players yet they will
play on ps2 & com
back ups did play fine but cpu crashed i rebooted now problem has occurd
can any one help please
Some old DVD Players have trouble playing DVDR's, did you burn to a -R or a +R DVD and what was the brand of media your using.


New member
it's a new jvc dvd player which plays all my dvd back up's before cpu crashed
i have used same media as before which is verbatim 4x -r's & i have tried infiniti 4 x -r's
Maybe the cpu crash cooked your burner as well. Can you use a restore point if your running XP to go back to what it was before the crash ?


New member
i think i have found the problem used nero to do a back up and played fine in dvd player i think the problem is with the new dvdxcopy program

many thanks for replies