AVI to DVD subtitle problem with DVD2SVCD


New member
i have a problem converting movies in DVD2SVCD with subtitles...when i convert a movie and tick "PAL TO NTSC" looks like the subtiltes are not converterd...they stay disyncronized! Is this problem of DVD2SVCD that cannot convert the framerate of the subtiltes or i am doing something wrong?
Thanks and sorry for my english :rolleyes:
Doing a PAL to NTSC conversion, well actually DVD2SVCD still thinks its making a PAL so doesnt attempt to convert anytrhing, not even the audio.

There is now a program called DGPulldown, and that program does not time stretch/shrink the movie, therefore the Subs should remain in sync. Do a normal PAL to PAL conversion, but change output size to NTSC 720x480 (instead of the 720x576), then run DGPulldown on the Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv taking the 25.0 -> 29.97 option. Then the subs should be in sync, I've never tried it with Subs but see no reason why it should not work.