avi file

help needed i have downloaded a film in avi format and tried to convert it to mpeg 1 for writing it as a vcd
with tmpgnc i get an illegal point error
with roxio video pack all goes well until multiplexing the audio then it stops dead
try installing new codecs. i suggest the nimo codec pack. i think the latest version is v5 build7. its got eveythin.audio/video. ive seen it floating around some p2p software like edonkey.

Have you run DivFix across the AVI file? Sounds like it could do with a good fix. Get it from download section of _www.doom9.net

Its generally best to strip the audio out initially as well. Load AVI into VirtualDUB, set Audio to Full Prossesing mode, then in File select Save WAV.... In Tmpgenc use the AVI for Video souce and the new WAV for Audio source. Read the DivX to VCD tut in the Movies Tutorial section on settings to continue.
have tried div fix

Error offset: 125568442
Corrupted data detected at frame 69024
Rebuilding index...

this is the error it gives me
but the film plas ok on the pc :confused:
Okay, so DivFix found an error, it should now be fixed. Extract the Audio file as I mentioned abouve and use the new fixed AVI as Video source in TMPGEnc.

The AVI may appear to play okay on the PC (should now once fixed) but many errors are just skipped during playback and you never actually see them, thats the problem. TMPGEnc has to encode 100% every frame, players can and do skip the odd frame including faulty frames.
noygdb, good to hear all is well.

aleksander, I'm a member at doom9 but not very active there. Been asking a few questions about VCD option in new DVD2SCVD as it does not produce a fully compliant VCD files. The author hanges out there so wanted his feed back. First answer came back " Why would you want to produce a VCD when you can make a SVCD?" - yep really helpful ! Dont get me wrong its a great source of info, just some of the members need to get off their high hourse.