audiogalaxy off?

anybody knows what happened to audiogalaxy?
from yesterday it always displays X in the availability indicator.

i checked with my friends and they also get the same status...


Staff member
Already posted the story @ CDRSoft :)

Yeah, it really sucks ...
Just a matter till they kick the next P2P project ..
Audiogalaxy: A Sad Day


I dont even know what I am going to do with my laid off self now. Guess I might as well find a job ;)

merged your thread to this one >> joripe
knew this for a while kazaa goin thro the works now and soon the rest will follow only ones to survive will be direct peer2peer (user2user) that involves no server !!


Use WinMX!

Now that Audiogalaxy is down, you should use WinMX ( It's very cool.


Staff member
WinMX is there since some time ..
But problem is: people will find a new software to use, once they start to massively use it, the RIAA will down it ..
So I am not sure if it is good to run over to another p2p network ..
maybe the way Morpheus did go some time ago is the right one ...
Gnutella isn´t stopable, since it doesn´t need ANY central server ...
Yes but they are upgrading their network because of too many users. I tryed that one before ag went down and you couldn't find many stuff, but I guess people are starting to use it so their database has grown. It has the same system like ag but only one main exe to download, no installing, nothing and till now ad aware didn't find any intruders ;). Time will tell, I'll post news about this progie on other board so more people will use it ;)

FUCK YOU RIAA, you can be strong in usa, but we'll se what can you do in europe, he he, we're gonna eat you alive. To hell with RIAA :mad:

Reading this post, I thought for a minute there Audio Galaxy was actually closed down, pleased to see it's not.

The 'X' you're talking about drterror on the availability indicator just means that it's copyrighted material, it tells you this in the legend. I've d/loaded almost 2Gb of MP3's from Audio G and on a dial up 56K, which is not bad going.

You have to be creative with your searching on A/G.

I managed to get the new Eminem tune, Without Me only a few days after it had been released. It was on A/G but as you say drterror there was a big 'X' on the availability indicator. I think after a bit of searching about I got it under the name of "Out With Me", so it's kind of obvious what it is but seems to get past whatever search A/G do to check for copyrighted material. I've got loads of songs that way, although sometimes it does take a fair old bit of searching and sometimes I can't get the tune at all.

What I tend to do, as I'm only on a 56K, is limit my d/loads to one at a time, go to the A/G site, search through and pick my songs, then when I have about 20 or so in my list, run the satellite program and leave it over night to do it's d/loading. Most I've ever done in one go was 118 songs, now that took abit of time to d/load!!!

Audio Galaxy has changed a bit since I first used it, with more restrictions on availability but you can't really complain, as there is still plenty there and it's all free.

The f*cking RIAA want something better to do. If it's popular and people seem to be getting something for nothing (which we are ;) ) then they have to stick there big fat noses in and try to put a stop to it. Hey, it's only a bunch of '1' s and '0' s who cares that when you stick them all together you get CD quality music out of it :p :D :p

I'm sure in the end Audio Galaxy (which I turned to when Napster went tits up) will end up just like Napster, a complete waste of time, then the search will be on for the next one that works. The best bit about A/G for me is the resume feature, used to hate being on Napster, get to 94% completed, the bloody connection would go down and I'd have to start again!!:rolleyes:

Just my 2 cents worth.

....DreeM :)
when's the last time you went to AG? Just this week they blocked just about everything. It's worthless now unless you want to download one song each from unsigned artists.
AG was my favorite. I've been trying a few others but none come close to what AG was.
The RIAA will never get my money. I'll just buy used cd's if I have to.

You're right banditcosmo, read your reply and went there right now. (06/22 10:55GMT)

Punched in a search that normally returned loads of results all of which have high availability.....


Well this is just great, the bloody RIAA do it again!!!

Not happy :mad: :mad: :mad:

....DreeM :)
fu*k RIAA

Moth*r fu*ker RIAA YOU KILLED AUDIOGALAXY :mad: :mad:

Gamw ton antixristo sou poutana

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I 'am very very :mad:
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The Future of Audiogalaxy

Hi everyone.

To finish with all doubts, here it goes:

Audiogalaxy stopped file sharing. Any sharing is currently unvailable. Even non-copyrighted material is blocked. On the Audiogalaxy's front page, there's a poll: The Future of Audiogalaxy. You should enter it and vote for the "Filter" option. That's the best choice because a filter-based system allows to download non-comercial music. Do you remeber Napster? They add a filter, but we could always download MP3's.
No use Vio,

Audiogalaxy is already dead, RIP. If RIAA managed to get them to close even for some days, they will not survive. Look at Napster, a great thing that nowadays is nothing. Only on places like this we can influence other users to use the one we use or vice-versa till we get another one that's as great as Napster and Audiogalaxy was.

Just forgot next on the line is KazAa, it's not more what it used o be.

As some one mentioned, RIAA is very strong In the USA, but if one of those P2P, establish themselves in China for example, RIAA will have abdicate from their stupidity.


It's true !!!!


Audio Galaxy was the best..................

I went to the suggested alternative, but it's been swamped.....

End of an era.......................

First was Napster, now Audiogalaxy, in future...who knows? The sad thing is that when a file sharing prog/site is banned, the vast majority of users turn immediately into another, leaving forever the older one. So, any filter cracks for Napster (ie Napigator, NapCame Back etc) worked fine, but there were not many files for sharing then... For the time being there are many other file sharing programs popular like e-donkey, imesh, morpheus/kazaa etc, but a turn into them leaving forever Audiogalaxy would mean a total death for it... So, even the comeback of AudioGalaxy will not be enough to recover the damage caused by RIAA and the majority of users that will be ubsent then...