Audio video sync vhs Tape to DVD

I am having trouble taking audio/video from vhs tapes of xmas to dvd. I spent hours running old videos thru capture card software and burnt 4 dvd's. (tried premier 6.5 and later the supplied dvtools software) each dvd has 3-4 movies and I didnt capture video all in the same sitting, started and stopped process many times over many days. the video I used is on two vhs tapes. I have the vcr run into the pinnacle pro one board as required.

also tried using super video input cable and reg rca video plug no change. audio is rca plug. also tried new vcr with auto audio and video stabilizers.

problem on dvd #1 1984 video a/v out of sync, but 1985 and 1986 great with no problems. This showed up also on disk #3 1990 video has a/v out of sync but 1989 video and 1991 video great.
I am now tring to do a 50 minute hockey tape and by the end the a/v is out by 3-4 sec. beginning is fine. tried running nothing else but capture program same results. I dont want to keep wasting dvd's a/v is off when I view captured video wih power dvd or windows media.

used search but only found dvd to vcd and svcd etc. What am I missing?

asus a7v333, 512 ddr, 1.8 AMD, 120G video only, 80G for XP pro
pinnacle pro one
a04 buner
sonic 4.0 and nero same results
I have to use premier (installed pinnacle premier plugins) or supplied dvtools for capture card to work.
I have a few question.

1) You are using Pinnacle Pro to capture your VHS to avi ?

2) After capturing the AVI file, are you using Sonic MyDVD 4 to convert your AVI to DVD format ?

3) From the 1985, 1986, 1989 & 1991 this are OK. Do you used the same setting on other's DVD burring ?

4) Authoring soft from MyDVD 4.0, have you read the pdf menu. How do make a DVD Video ?

5) What TV system are you using ? NTSC or PAL/SECAM.

If you have save all your files, open the good burning file and reload to the Sonic or Nero. Check your setting with the error file.;)