Audio only on right side

I Encoded a dvd to avi using dvd2svcd. After ripping the video from the dvd i checked it with nvdvd and the audio was only playing on the right side. I thought the the encoding process would fix that but it didn't. Was it somthing with smart ripper or what i dunno. Yes the audio jack it pluged in right and all. I checked it and every thing. Plz reply asap
Didn't know DVD2SVCD could output AVI's. I would suggest that you don't use Smart Ripper. Try DVD Decrypter instead and try GordianKnot or AutoGKNot for encoding.
i was using smartripper b/c thats what chickenman said to use. Plus are there any how-tos for DVD Decrypter, GordianKnot or AutoGKNot?
SmartRipper is pretty old now, where as DVD Decrypter is updated regularly.

Sorry no idea about guides, as personally I never follow them.
Well I'm using the same sofware as before only now I'm get an encoded_audio_1.mp2 file not found error. What dose this mean