audio lock

hey everyone i use the audio lock feature on clone cd but I use multiple cdr recorders, is ther any kinda plugin or software that I can use multiple cdr recorders at the same time on clone cd ? I use diskjuggler etc.... but i was wondering if there is anyhing i can apply to use all my recoders to make multiple copies of my image on clone cd ? because I cannot open the image file on nero etc ..... thanks
CloneCD does not manage multiple recorders, but you can burn Clone images in multiple recorders by using Alcohol 120%.
thanks alot my man, gona try it, I also just found 2 softwares that are added to your software that help it record to multiple burners, one is copycat pro and the other is multi cd, thanks again
thanks alot my man and everyone else, you guys have made my life a million times better, alcohol 120% works like a charm, while keeping the audio cd's locked,