Audio editor!!

How i can open audio files like mpc and ape in a it any plugins possible????What to do????Couse found some good early recording by a bend i like and wanna edit it couse i think it can sound better..But cant open a files....Also couse some recent problems tryting too keep the number of applications on my pc as low as possible,so i dont need those plugins for diffrent editors,except for one i mentione d above....
scarecrow said:
No direct way- there are no directshow filters for .mpc and .ape yet available. Simply decompress to .wav first.
I saw a plugins for cooledit????So do you think its possiblee in future??
Actually I believe that MediaXW project over at sourceforge contained a direcshow filter for APE files. However I never tested it. I only ever used it for vorbis and it was kinda buggy.

Edit: Edit, looks like development continues after all.. found a newer version than the one at sourceforge download here: and use at your own risk.

As for MPC, TheCoreMediaPlayer basically contains a direcshow decoder as a plugin, however it only works with tcmp. I believe that there are or were plans to release it as a directshow decoder.

Also there are plans to include a MPC decoder for MKV much like coreaac and coreogg, although it will only decode MPC from MKV and MKA files.
Everything is possible... never had the chance to really test MediaXW by the way (thanks for reminding celtic_druid), as after installing it Winamp 2.X was crashing when fired up, so I removed the odd thing. Should be something related to my Echo Mia soundcard drivers, so it may work for you- give it a try.
looks like development continues after all

scarecrow said:
Everything is possible... never had the chance to really test MediaXW by the way (thanks for reminding celtic_druid), as after installing it Winamp 2.X was crashing when fired up, so I removed the odd thing. Should be something related to my Echo Mia soundcard drivers, so it may work for you- give it a try.
Maybe ,but in wrong direction............Ok,i was being stupid again and tryed the thing couse desperately was needed to open mpc and ape in samplitude7......Whats happen i installed it,and didnt make a rwstore point,and pc was working good like never before :( Ok,now when i try to open a ape from explorer--its just crash and crash winamp2,and fsecure,and kerio,and dc++......Any advice???i installed i=== :confused: registreeing it a ds..How to uninstall this crap?????What to do????
Edit, looks like development continues after all
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I did say install at your own risk.

To uninstall you should just be able to right click on MXWMA.dll and select unregister, that's if you have that particular shell extension installed. Otherwise just REGSVR32 /U MXWMA.dll.
celtic_druid said:
I did say install at your own risk.

To uninstall you should just be able to right click on MXWMA.dll and select unregister, that's if you have that particular shell extension installed. Otherwise just REGSVR32 /U MXWMA.dll.
hey bud--dont blaming you or somebody else....Just frustrated couse there is not possible to make mistake(very simple to install) and running a win-xp(probably most common os)and if author didnt see that his s/w makes all those problems?????He should be shoot!!! :D