Audio corruption problems


New member
After using DVDstripper 3.0 on a dvd it sends the corrected ifo and vobs to the destination folder. After that I make a new ISO image from the destination folder and load it into DOITFAST4U, but DOITFAST4U tells me that the source file is damaged and shortens the audio tracks in half. If I don't have DOITFAST4U correct the audio track, everything seems to work but then later scenarist gives me an error about the length of the tracks and says it can't compile. I can get the project to work fine if I set it up without dvdstripper, but then the quality suffers since I don't have anything removed. I am doing an disc with several episodes on it and I am trying to remove the intro and credits to each episode. Do you need to run ifoedit after DVDstripper is done or does it do that for you? Thanks.


New member
Further tests

If i do the same thing with dvdstripper and then use a transcoder, everthing seems to work, but the audio is off by about five seconds throughout the entire dvd. Please let me know how I might be able to correct this or what I might be doing wrong. The dvd is made of two pgcs, one for movie and one for extras, and their are no pgc links reported when I start the process. The replaced cells are reported as .15 in length in the ifo files.


New member
Furhter and Further tests

I have tried ac3fix, rejig, BeSplit, demuxing with tmpgenc, and using the doitfast4u's audio correction and all have either made the file a lot shorter then it is supposed to or caused a desync over time. Rejig is the only one that actually let me import to scenarist afterwards but then desyncs over time. Please let me know what you think, thanks.
Hi axlemar!

just to not give you the impression you are left alone in the rain here,
i sadly must admit i have no idea what might be causing this :(

Maybe some1 else (hint hint) can help you here!
(comeon guys, dont be shy, posting does not hurt!)

Sorry i cant help ya!
is it just this DVD?

it's probably the time values within the files that are the issue as they ain't updated :(


New member
Might work

I think I might have found a solution, I am testing it right now. If you need to remove a lot of small cells from a disc, like the intro and ending to episodes, then use dvdstripper to preview what you want to remove and then have it process and create the new vob, ifo, and bup files. Since the disc is still too big for me after doing that, I need to reencode also, but dvdstripper messes up the audio streams, so it can no longer be read with scenarist. What I think will work is if you process the source again with rejig in ifo mode and select the same cells and have it author, then you use the ifo, bup, and missing vob files from dvdstripper destination folder and keep the new authored vob files from rejig because it outputs the streams correctly. Then just make sure that the vobs are named the same as dvdstripper displayed them. I am not sure if this will work as I am testing it, but please fell free to try also and let me know what you find. Thanks for your time.


New member
Well I am just writing to reassure that I don't think this problem is common. I do anime dvds all the time where I am ripping out starting and ending credits, intros, extras and trailers and have never run into this problem. Well I suppose I always do this order and that may be why: dvdstripper, to dvdshrink, to menuedit, to classic img tool, and then recordnow to burn. Using this method I have never found any issues with the audio, but again it could just be that none of them give me errors about it. I usually test most of my dvds when done and would notice.

But as was noted here what is really important is if it is just this dvd or more than this one.

Keep us updated.


New member
Maybe this causes it....

Remove the first cell of a set with dvdstripper and I bet it will throw everything off if you don't do something to correct it, of course right? Plus I want to use cce to reencode the movie and scenarist and doitfast4u are picky about the streams. Anyway, I tried my method and only the subtitles are off now, hopefully Doitfast4u will correct them :(