Audio and video jumping, blame it on the media?


New member
I own a nec 1300a (latest firmware), and i am using the orange top bulkpaq dvd-r. I have no problem burning at 4x. When i come to playing the dvd on my stanalone player (awarded good for compatibility on the official list) and my writer, after a while the film starts having slight pauses and the audio is slightly jumpy. And once the film froze completely and i couldnt use th player so i had to pull the mains out and try again.

So i guess your going to tell me it's a problem with the media, but would it help to burn at a lower speed, either 2x or 1x. Any help would be useful

p.s i am using dvd shrink which i love
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So i guess your going to tell me it's a problem with the media, but would it help to burn at a lower speed, either 2x or 1x. Any help would be useful
U guess right <> slower speed may help but I doubt it
U can burn successfully to most media even the crappola
Its playing em on standalones that sorts the Dog C*ap from the dogs blx
At the risk of sounding like a stuck record "Use media with Ritek G04 dye" for the BEST compatability with standalones!


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New member
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a list of which dvd-rs are GO4 dye.
Obviousley i like to keep to a budget but to create compatibal video backups what media would you advise and where can i get it from in UK.
Cheers for the advise again