Asus CD-S500

Asus CD-S500

i have this cd-rom 1.1c
has somebody update the firmware?

i found it here
I would suggest just leave it alone if the burner is working well.Only upgrade if there is a good reason to do so. ;) Usually they post improvements with the release.
I had one of them.
1. The firmware is NOT upgradable.
2. It's an exhellent audio ripper. It's also built like a tank.
3. It has been released with some 12 (maybe more!) different firmware versions.
4. Some firmware versions can read in raw mode very fast, some others with great difficulties, and some others not at all! (why? ask Asus...).
Unfortunately you cannot do much, if anything at all.
Mantra said:
yeah it is!
Wow! What an aplomb!
Since it seems you have problems understanding plain english, check THIS thread, it's in your native language and may persuade you... if not, keep searching for the inexistable S-500 magic tools which flashes a non-flashable eprom chip! :D
yes i read it thanks

but i found this

i did not try

did u try it mate?
Hmmm... this stuff refers to PCB versions 1.03 and 1.04, used on the A-1.5 and A-2 production badges- but still you should replace the EPROM chip on those PCB's (dunno with which flashable one) to do the job.
Dunno any flashEPROM suitable for Asus drives (Asus should know better, of course), but mine actually wasn't one of those two badges...
You may pull out your Asus, unscrew the top and check the PCB version- so in the case it was one of them you could try to find a FlashEPROM to fit on the PCB. But IMO at the current CD-ROM and DVD-ROM prices it's not worth the effort.
Without the EPROM mod you cannot flash anything to it.