asus a7a266 Problem

This is my system:

motherboard: asus a7a266
processor: amd 1400
grafic card: Geforce2 Mx 400 TV out

Last Bios 1011 ( even tried the Beta 1012 )
Boot with floppy drive - OK!!!!

Booting with Hdd (seagate or IBM - both 40 GB uDMA 5) in win2k or winXP i can´t boot, even in safe mode ,because i get a messages like this:


Blue Screen

*** STOP: Ox0000007B (0xFC8D3640, 0xC0000034, 0xC0000000, 0xC0000000)

PS- I made the instalation in another machine !!!

I have changed everything: Memory (DDR or SDRAM), VGA Card

Can you help me ??

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2 Things I would do Mate!

I've got one of these boards and two hard drives running at UMDA5. Here's what you should do:

1) Goto hxxp:// and download the latest flash BIOS and BIOS EPROM flasher for this motherboard.

2) After flashing and rebootong your PC, if the error still continues, reboot, go into the computer's BIOS and select the default settings for all options.

3) If all of the above does not work, try moving the PCI cards around inside of your PC to different slots. There could be a conflict with one of them and your drives controller.

Hope this helps!

I had no sucess !!!

What i'm gonna do ?!!!

First: Try another CPU
Second: Try Another board

Something will happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Thans any way ( TAW ) ;)
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A Good Place to Start...

I did a search on Google and found some good information. Pop in the following link and read the newsgroup messages, who knows? You might just find the answer!


Let me know if this helps!
