Aopen reader 56X

Anyone know something about the DAE speed of this drive ?

Latest 52X et 48X Aopen do great DAE.... what about the 56X ??

Thanks for your help
1/ mmmm as for the lite-on maybe i'd purchase one of 'em but there're hard to find here in belgium. Moreover, I had a Lite-on 40X (ltn-182) that stopped working after 2 months... same for the one of a frien of mine :-(

2/ Sorry to say that Aopen 52X IS flashable (hard to find firmware but it is) as you can find on w*
Search for the results of the drive and search the comments...


Well, I do not complain to you. That's not the prob.
Yes, I know everybody say they're not flashable. The trick is that on the link I posted, many users were able to flash their Aopen 52X drive. So what's the hell is that ???

I just try to understand.

Further, If I understood well (maybe not), the Asus drives can't extract subchannels. That's bad.

I've the choice between an Aopen 56X and an LG 52X.
I'm pretty sure the LG is a bad DAE extractor. That's why I requested infos on Aopen 56X.

Check these if you don't beleive me !


Yeah, for sure.

So you see I don't want to desagree with you.
It's just that sometimes, manufacturers make stupid things: not flashable ? OK sometimes flashable ? WTF is that ?

Well, anyway... I can't manage to find Lite-on here in Belgium, if someone does I'd like to know where...

Speking about DVD, what are the good ones ?? I'm pretty sure I can find Toshiba, Hitachi, Pioneer, Sony. Maybe others.

The important thing for me is DAE as I own a PXW-1210A so for Safedisk & co I can use my burner. Of course, if I can manage to have both DAE and Safedisc thing in one drive, I'd be the happier man on planet earth.. ;-)

Thanks for your infos.