anyone know how to use sound forge?

Open file,go to proces,choose normalize,done.But is not that simply as looks like,there are other factors which you have to consider,but thats other story.For many files will be faster if you use batch conv,enjoy:)
I have Sound Forge 5.0e. I don't see a "process" menu :)

Also what other proggie do you guys suggest I should use to batch normalize? Do you normalize the songs in wav format before you compress to mp3 or just normalize mp3's?


For the “Process” menu to appear you first have to have a “File” to edit. Then the “Process" menu appears. Click on “Process” and in the dropdown menu, “Normalize will appear among other processes available.

You can also download a Sound Forge manual in PDF format at


For wave try volume balancer,even shitty audiograbber can do,and feurio will eatit for brekfast whatever you throw in.for mp3 go with mymp3 or mp3gain.In recent time started to use it and its great sofar,its free too.........:)