anybody use roxio em7...plz help


New member
I have never succesfully burnd a dvd copy .......what im tryng to do is take a movie from my computer which is formatted as "avi" and burn it to dvd so i can watch it on my home dvd player ......i use roxios easy media creator 7 .......sum 1 plz help walk me thru this process desperate
Hi, palmero, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

don't waste your time with Easy Media Cremator,
better to have a look at our tutorials, esp. this one:

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Greetings from
Some people don't like Roxio (any), some people don't like Nero (any), some people don't like Nero 6.

Roxio products tend to be very bad neighbours to any other CD/DVD software, and since many here mix and match the best tools for the task, they don't much like ROXIO.

Not used EMC7 myself, but if it's like most Roxio products, the menus should take you pretty well where you need to go, and if it works, fine, but if it screws up (like the audio being out of sync), then there's nothing you can tweak to fix it!

Sorry I can't be any more help, but with Roxio, it really should be a case of "Lets make a DVD".
palmero said:
so r u sayng that there is no way for me to do this with the tools i have now??
no, this isn't what i tried to say;
like LTR wrote already, here aren't many Roxio users around; personally i never ever had one of their programs installed, so unfortunately i can't provide a "how to" with EMC7;
my link above shows you a proven way to do what you want, you will get a good quality result by following CM's tutorial; :)