Another gaping MSIE security hole? You must be kidding!

IE6 is the safest browser on planet earth- provided of course that you don't do senseless things like using your system's clipboard!!! :eek:
Just go here and see by yourself- it's a simplistic script, which could be written by every script kiddie, making your clipboard contents available to anyone on the other end!
"Of course", it works just with MSIE 5+, while Mozilla, Firefox and Opera are not affected...


Gold Member
i don´t get you :confused:

that´s what i got :

Here's what you were doing before going here:


Here's how I did it:
(listing of his script)

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Anything in your clipboard, it shows you...

Or rather, it doesn't just SHOW, as many examples do, leading to many dismissing it as a trick similar to showing your C: directory.

It actually places it in the HTML of the page it serves, (view source) the clipboard CONTENT is there, not just some code to display it on the fly.

Must load up Opera, and see if it's a vulnerability of IE6 as such, or a vulnerability of allowing untrusted sites to use javascript.

Possible risks - theft of information, though you hopefully are not in the habit of pasting anything like credit card number through the clipboard!
Sorry, I got nothing on you.

I presume that is because you don't use IE. Good for you!

IE sucks just incase you didn't know it!!!