amsn 0.93 out

Finally AMSN 0.93 has been released. Many changes and bug fixes have been done, some interesting new features have been added, and, although many users won't notice this, large portions of code are being cleaned and rewritten to be ready to support amazing new features in the near future (plugins system, audio/video,...).

Read on to know about the new AMSN 0.93 features.

Changes from 0.92 to 0.93

* Added option in alarm to send a message to the contact when the alarm runs.
* Rewrite of smileys and custom smileys code. Should work better now.
* Fixed Display pictures issues with Gaim.
* Fixed some alarm problems and added support for variable substitution in alarm command.
* Improved support for sound loop
* Added support for custom chat style (MSN style/IRC style/ Custom style)
* Added option to auto reconnect when disconnected.
* Fixes in authenticated proxy and support for proxies without keep-alive.
* Added an option to ignore other users font preferences
* Fixed chat window such that the up/down arrow keys behave as you would normally expect
* Remembers last directory in file dialogs
* IRC style chats
* Ability to change skin without restarting
* Removed appearance of aMSN for Bossmode
* Added a global nick option to be able to implement a change to everybody's nick
* Added an option for different friendly name (p4c) for each user
* Added an option to allow forcing other user's friendly names (for displaying in a chat)
* Now saves user's pictures for viewing when in preferences when they are offline
* Do not need to restart aMSN to show/hide the advert pane
* Stopped ANY windows coming up out of the screen
* Added an option to allow for single/double clicking to open a new message window
* Added an option to be able to remove the empty line between groups
* Added an option to be able to remove empty groups from the contact list
* Added the ability to use the Snack library for sounds (set to default for windows)
* Now able to block/deblock all the users from a group by the popup menu
* More bug fixes
* For Mac OS X:
o Improvement in Display/Send song with iTunes
o Fixed the bug with transparent gif
o Now fully support do script " .. " from Applescript
o Now ask to save when closing window of User Properties