AMD vs Pentium

I currently have a pentium 800 Mhz, but I want to buy a new chip (around 1.2 Ghz). Should I give AMD a try ? How is the new Athlon XP cpu compared to the Thunderbird and Pentium 4 ? I need some advices plz !

Thanks :cool:
go for a DFI motherboard. AM 75TC. VIA kt133a chipset. 5 PCI slots, i agp slot. + On board audio and video. w*
they are as stable as an ASUS board and yet cheaper. Thier support is incredible.


I am running a 1.2 Athlon 266 Fsb with 512 DDR on an ECS K7S5A board with a 24X LiteOn and a 16X Plex, plus I am using an ATA 100 controller card to run my CDRom drive on.

Fantastic! Just check out the OCworkbench site for what they say about this board. It is only about the £59.00 mark in the UK at the mo as well!!!

Why pay more I ask? :D