All Pal Gamecube Owners Please Read

in your box you got a pin number, please go to h**p:// and register as a vip member then click on community (at the top) and go to the gamecube section, go to the thread titled "NBA Street & Nintendo's apalling customer relations" and please vent your spleen at these tw@ts, i want to see how many of you i can get to tell them (please be polite, or they will delete the thread) what a bunch of prats they are for their pal release schedule. if everyone who owns a pal gc on these forums signs up they will at least notice it, they dont know that you cant mod a gc to play imports so lie to the idiots and tell them you got sick of them and modded your console or bought an imported cube, then tell them you buy most if not all your games on import, tell them their prices suck in comparison to import prices.

I know it wont help, but think of all the kids who read that board, kids arent all stupid, when they see loads of people are buying cheaper games sooner they are going to pester their parents to get a freeloader and buy more games on imports and nintendo wont like that one bit, if enough people take notice, maybe they will do something about it instead of pratting us about.


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man ur so phucking right@!!!.. im from AUSTRALIA and the release of PAL titles are shit!!..

I think nintendo need to get the A's into G (ass into gear)
they keep me waiting any longer for mario golf im going to phucking put a modchip in it as of day one when they are released in the future.