Alcoholer 3.2

Alcoholer 3.2a soon

So new version will be out soon. There are some small chages. You will be able to download it only here. Full version 3.2 will be out with new Alcohol 120%. So you must wait a bit :rolleyes:
So here is that Alcoholer 3.2a

I have added some new ClonyXXL protections.
Fixed some bugs
Removed checkbox precision

This is just exe file. It is only ENGLISH version.

Do not put it to same folder as old one
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R!CO Thanks for the info bro.:)
Only think left for mi to do is get hold of some game's just to try this out.:cool:
Yeah that would be great R!CO but maby release it at the same time as your own site!! as we have hundreds of members here that miss out on visiting your site bud they will come here for an early release and miss your own site :(


why I don't know that you have an Alcoholer-Board here too?

I also didn't know that you want to pre-release Alcoholer v3.2a, but however you surely have done right because I think it will take some time until next Alcohol-Version.
new version of alcoholer will came out at the same time of alcohol, because they will have a new very interesting function....
I am now working on new version in Visual C++. It will be smaller, much smaller ;). Maybe there will be some suprise :)