Alcohol and securerom 4.8x

I know this question sounds dumb, but is it possible to make a copy of a securerom 4.8x protected game with alcohol 120% and using a 2 sheep burner (lite-on) so that it can work on another machine without alcohol installed in it? while creating a file in alcohol for securerom 4.8 it says that the software has to be present (when clicking the `burn rmps to recordable media' alcohol has the following statement `if you enable this option the cd will only work if you have alcohol or another compatible emulation software installed and rmps emulation active'). I am at my wits end... thanks in advance for the help and advice which i am sure i will surely receive... pyare
Yes, you can make a twinpeak copy with alcohol. See the tute for how to do it.

Alternatively, you can make an RMPS emulation copy and run it on the other system with daemon tools with RMPS emulation enabled.
You can use TwinCreator (Alcoholer 4.x) and make a successfull backup by reading the image of the SecuROM protected cd in .ccd format using Alcohol 120%. Hopefully you have a "good" mdf. or bwa file m8.
