alcohol 120% v1.4.7 will copy ps2 dvd perfectly?


New member
the tutorial says DiscJuggler will burn ps2 dvd backup, so how does DiscJaggler break the encryption?
Alcohol will not make a "perfect" copy of a PS2 original, however it will allow you to backup the contents of the disc so that it can be playable in conjunction with a mod-chip.

Hopefully this makes sense :)

Yes it WILL make perfect copies of PS2 games, Ive made backups of SPLINTER CELL / VICE CITY, worked perfectly.. ofcourse need to be modded first...

Then its not a "perfect" copy but a working backup.To be a perfect copy it would not need a modchip to work.Yes its splitting hairs but thats what a perfect copy is all about.
I'm With BERTIEG on this too :)

Thats the WHOLE reason for the MOD CHIP being needed this has the code on it that REPLACES the parts of code that NO NORMAL commecial burner that can be purchased on the public market can duplicate!, As its out of the PHYSICAL READ/BURN area of normal burners !!

Infact PLAYSTATION and i would say at least 99.9% of all COMMERCIAL software/music/games are PRESSED INTO the disk at the factory and not burned in the conventional way :)

So unless you actually own a PRESSING factory then there isnt a hope in hell of making that all elusive PERFECT disc 1:1 copy that works with no modifications at all to the gaming system etc its to be used on :(

There ARE RUMOURS that it has been done out there but they are SIMPLY NOT TRUE !, if it was MOD CHIP MAKERS would be out of business and there would be a mass market to replace them for pirates selling the so called perfect copies!

It just won't happen!

Although there is ONE playstation out there that can be PURCHASED LEGALLY that plays COPIED GAMES with no modifications to the system and that is the original PLAYSTATION NET YAROTZE (not ps2) or classed as the home developers playstation available or was available only direct from SONY :)

I have been invetigating about this and the solution is to by a DVD Duplicator standalone...

No need for a pc.....

PS2 dont need to be modded.. A friend of mine has done it...
It was a shock to see with out a mod..



so what the difference between a backup and normal copy besides a normal copy doesnt need a mod chip. does a backup copy still have all the normal options that a normal dvd game has?
@mojo8850 i think you are seriously having your leg pulled mate.... no offence but ITS NOT POSSIBLE do you think SONY sould make it that simple !? :(

a DVD duplicator/standalone publicly on sale is NOT a PRESSING machine it burns the disks same as a PC ie with a laser .... a PRESSING machine uses a GOLD master and presses(stamps) the info from that into the disk blanks PHYSICALLY (this is how the information is placed on the disk that a ps2/playstation laser can read..but a cd writer with a laser cannot burn into that area of the disk its out of bounds ) :) , unfortunatly unless you are a billionaire and own a factory with the equipment then it still cannot be done, my question is ... did he let you open the ps2 case and check there was no modchip !? :confused: how can you be so sure !? he may of used a SLIDE CARD technique or a boot cd swap disk maby!?

@Nizmo the backup does not have the relevant boot code information that the original has or the regional code settings ..this is what the mod chip replaces with the code thats programmed to the mod chip :)

other than that the backup pretty much have all the same stuff the original has .. except in the case where a larger than 4.7gb disk was used with the original! , so some content has to be removed such as in game intros and music to pack it down to fit the 4.7gb dvd :)



thanks i was confused for a while. Ive spent about 6 hours just looking at all the stuff on my ps2 and at all these replys trying to find out how to back up my games and finally i did it! if any one wanted to know what i used i just used the dvd decrypter program to get an image of the cd then i put it in write mode and FINALLY i got my first dvd backup game. i was about to give up until all of you told your storys about writing your dvds then i found out it was possible :)